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BlinkWeb is a project I worked on for internet marketing entrepreneur & guru Brad Callen who has created a wide variety of successful internet marketing products such as SEO Elite, Keyword Elite, Affiliate Elite, and more. He is also the author of the top selling SEO Mindset eBook.

BlinkWeb is an online web based publishing tool that allows users with very little knowledge in website creation to develop a site in a matter of minutes. Whether it's making a blog, adding YouTube videos, images, or RSS feeds, BlinkWeb provides the novice user all the options to create a fast, easy, and efficient website. I created a series of designs and mockups for BlinkWeb, including designing the logo, the static page designs, and the editor interface. This also includes some of the draggable icons used. My role in this project was design only, no code was written.

Tools Used for BlinkWeb


Photoshop, Illustrator


No code was written for this project by Absolute Bica


No programming was used on this project by Absolute Bica.


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