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Archive for September, 2009

Changes are coming and CloudFront

content delivery network, General, Random / September 27th, 2009 / Comments Off on Changes are coming and CloudFront

CloudFront was really bothering me this weekend and I have made a professional decision lately that is good for myself and my family.

YSlow and manually added hostnames, what gives?

content delivery network, General, Hosting / September 22nd, 2009 / Comments Off on YSlow and manually added hostnames, what gives?

So per my other posts, I have jumped on the Amazon CloudFront bandwagon. In my quest for YSlow grading greatness, I am finding my score of “F” is bothering me, even if I know I am on a CDN.

CloudBerry S3 Explorer Freeware and PRO Review

It has only been a handful of days since I took the giant leap for mankind into the world of CloudFront and S3 by I have yet to implement into my site as their are some technical workarounds I have to get in place…but I am excited at the idea of moving to a true CDN. After setting up the account, the very first thing I did was started doing a google search on tools used to upload files. I wish Amazon has some of the tools right then and there after making your account.

So one of the first products I came across was one called CloudBerry S3 Explorer. I then saw there was a PRO version that was FREE and in Beta (download here) so I decided to give that a shot. It was installed in a couple minutes and up and running.

How do you handle CloudFront / S3 and files needing to be overwritten or updated?

content delivery network, General, Hosting, Random, Tips / September 17th, 2009 / Comments Off on How do you handle CloudFront / S3 and files needing to be overwritten or updated?

The most experience I have with CDN’s or Content Delivery Networks resides mostly with Akamai. However as I make a move toward CloudFront, the single striking issue hitting me in the face has to be how one handles overwriting files.

Watch for falling rocks from the CloudFront and S3

General, Hosting, Portfolio, Random, Tips / September 16th, 2009 / Comments Off on Watch for falling rocks from the CloudFront and S3

So I have decided to try Amazon’s CloudFront and S3 services for storage of Absolute Bica files. The purpose is more for browser pipelining and faster loading times versus storage alone. Dreamhost provided unlimited bandwidth and storage, so that isn’t an issue…but I know I could benefit from my files being distributed elsewhere across a CDN.

$20 off Yearly Hosting PLUS 1 Free Domain registration with Dreamhost

General, Hosting, Random / September 13th, 2009 / Comments Off on $20 off Yearly Hosting PLUS 1 Free Domain registration with Dreamhost

Get $20 off your yearly hosting plan AND 1 free domain registration when you use the coupon code “absolutebica” with

New Client –

Awful, Clients, Design, General, Portfolio, Tips / September 13th, 2009 / 1 Comment »

We provided iGolfFixes with a beautiful and simple design that made the viewing and purchasing process extremely simple.

New Client – The Guyer Institute of Molecular Medicine

Clients, Design, General, Portfolio / September 13th, 2009 / Comments Off on New Client – The Guyer Institute of Molecular Medicine

The Guyer Institute of Molecular Medicine was in need of a website redesign for an outdated version of their website. They wanted to maintain a similar interactive flash intro of their old site, but revamped to match their current branding and vision. Along with the flash piece, they wanted the site to be more user friendly and focus on being an information rich resource for their given niche in medicine.

New Client – Geriatric Care Consultants

Clients, Design, General, Portfolio / September 13th, 2009 / Comments Off on New Client – Geriatric Care Consultants

I had the privilege of working with Geriatrics Care Consulting, who focuses on helping families care for their elderly relatives. They were seeking a simple and clean design that illustrated through pictures and testimonials the quality of care their business performs.

Going Sans-super cache

General, Wordpress / September 12th, 2009 / Comments Off on Going Sans-super cache

Since I launched this website and I utilize Dreamhost as my hosting provider, speed has always been an issue. When you are in a shared environment, that is usually the case. I have been using the WordPress Super Cache plugin since my site went live, and though it has been great for enhancing page load, […]