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Archive for March, 2009

Welcome eSnipe – New addition to the Absolute Bica portfolio

Design, General, Portfolio / March 30th, 2009 / Comments Off on Welcome eSnipe – New addition to the Absolute Bica portfolio

It is with great pleasure to introduce eSnipe to the Absolute Bica portfolio family. eSnipe approached Absolute Bica seeking a redesign of their existing site that currently uses a design built over 6 years ago. It was time for a fresh and clean look and I am honored eSnipe chose my company to handle this endeavor.

An the award for best presented Nigerian scam goes to…

Awful, General, Random / March 23rd, 2009 / Comments Off on An the award for best presented Nigerian scam goes to…

I will admit, this is probably the nicest looking Nigerian scam email I have ever received. It’s bedazzled with the Flirckr logo and everything.

Douglas Bowman leaves Google, Two Digg postings 3 years apart aligned

Design, General, Project Management / March 22nd, 2009 / Comments Off on Douglas Bowman leaves Google, Two Digg postings 3 years apart aligned

Since Friday, the blogosphere including popular sites like CNET have been posting about Douglas Bowman’s exit from Google. 3 years ago, Doug Bowman joined Google to lead their visual design department. On Friday, he left and cited a myriad of reasons:

My entry for the Best WordPress Design Award

Design, Random / March 10th, 2009 / Comments Off on My entry for the Best WordPress Design Award

Over at WP Web Host, they are running a contest entitled “Best WordPress Design Award”. Well, since my site runs on WordPress and I have gotten so many wonderful comments about my site design, I decided to enter.