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Archive for February, 2009

Macgyver who?

General, Random, Tips / February 28th, 2009 / Comments Off on Macgyver who?

Basically, I took the knowledge Macgyver has in his pinky and applied it to my computer setup 🙂 I needed a way that was cheap, fast, and free to get a microphone into a relatively decent position to my mouth as I worked on the computer for Camtasia recordings, Skype calls, etc…

Safari 4 whips the competition in browser benchmarks

General, Random / February 26th, 2009 / 1 Comment »

Proving itself a staggering 42 times faster at rendering JavaScript than IE 7, our benchmarks confirm Apple’s Safari 4 browser, released in beta Tuesday, is the fastest browser on the planet. In fact, it beat Google’s Chrome, Firefox 3, Opera 9.6 and even Mozilla’s developmental Minefield browser.

WhereWeDoWhatWeDo – Your spaces

Design, General, Random / February 19th, 2009 / Comments Off on WhereWeDoWhatWeDo – Your spaces

Upload a screenshot of your workspace for the world to check out on I uploaded mine and display some of the favorite ones I have seen.

Trying to use WP-Super Cache locally on WampServer

Design, General, Wordpress / February 18th, 2009 / Comments Off on Trying to use WP-Super Cache locally on WampServer

I simply want tohave the WP-Super Cache plugin enabled, even if it’s inactive so I can move forward with a mirror copy of my local and production development versions of my site. However, enabled WP-Super Cache makes this impossible. There has to be a solution. Do you know it?

Made the list on – 30 More Portfolio sites for your Design Inspiration

Design, General / February 17th, 2009 / Comments Off on Made the list on – 30 More Portfolio sites for your Design Inspiration

So I am actually late to the game on reporting this since the my site was listed on February 9th, but I had made the “30 More Portfolio sites for your Design Inspiration” list on I am the 9th item on their list of 30. So a big thanks goes out to for including me.

New Monitor. Me Likey. 2405FPW Dell Ultrasharp

General, Random / February 16th, 2009 / 4 Comments »

So last week, I took the plunge…a long awaited plunge…into finally buying a nice computer monitor. I have done this before and it has not turned out well. My wife has seen me purchased a couple monitors, only to return them. With her financially blessing, she gave me the green light this third time in which I purchased a 2005 24 inch 2405FPW Dell Ultrasharp Monitor. I snagged it for $300 off ebay.

How to use Teamwork Project Manager the poor mans way

I have posted a video showing how to use Teamwork Project Manager under the free account, but utilizing it’s features to go a long way for your personal needs.

Baby Steps into using Vimeo with my first video

General, Tips, Video / February 6th, 2009 / 1 Comment »

Well, I took the plunge about 10 minutes ago to try out Vimeo which is an online video hosting service, but allows you to link in with various channels and groups that your videos can be a part of. I added my CSS Image Sprites in 10 minutes video.

Another reason I love WordPress – life just became easier

General, Tips, Wordpress / February 4th, 2009 / Comments Off on Another reason I love WordPress – life just became easier

I am porting over a site that is built with WP on a windows/IIS server. I am moving it to a Linux server (yea) but the site has a TON of internal hardcoded links to things like “?page_id=454”, etc… I was concerned if I went with friendly URL’s or permalinks, I would be doing a ton of text replacing. Fear not, WP auto corrects this issue.

37 Signals products are no longer free: Basecamp, Highrise, Backpack, and Campfire

Awful, General, Random / February 3rd, 2009 / 8 Comments »

I admit when it comes to 37 Signals products, I have not been kept up to date. I used to use Basecamp and Backpack fairly religiously over a year ago, but haven’t used them since because of daily distractions, forgetfulness, life, etc. However, I was still shocked to see they no longer offer a free version of any of their products. Yes, they offer a 30 day free trial, but I am referring to an actual free account for those needing basis needs. When did this happen?