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Archive for January, 2009

Amazing piano skills – Viva La Vida

General, Random / January 31st, 2009 / Comments Off on Amazing piano skills – Viva La Vida

So I came across the song Viva La Vida by Coldplay, except it was a piano cover by a guy named David Sides.

Why captchas really bother me sometimes

Design, General, Security / January 29th, 2009 / 4 Comments »

I hate spam. Who likes spam? Nobody. So I will be one of the first on board for one doing whatever they can to stop spam in its tracks. So we have captchas…and their evil character twisting ways.

Use jQuery highlights Absolute Bica

Design, General, jquery / January 28th, 2009 / 2 Comments »

Got a pleasant surprise to see my portfolio represented on for the use of my style changer and drop down header. Nice! Read on.

Making the rounds on CSS Galleries

Design, Friends, General / January 27th, 2009 / 2 Comments »

Figured I would post a list of CSS Galleries Absolute Bica has appeared on in the last few days. Hrm…I would say the biggies are,,,, and oh wait…damn you caught me in a lie. Ok, well onto real and appreciated galleries who have listed my portfolio site (in order from most visits):

Interview with

Design, Interviews / January 25th, 2009 / 2 Comments »

After the re-launch of and submitting the site to various CSS Galleries far and abroad, I was excited to see an email from Luc at asking me if I would like to conduct an interview with him. soft launch

Design, General / January 23rd, 2009 / Comments Off on soft launch

Please visit CSS Tutorials and Lessons to see the initial steps I am taking to a new upcoming website. I encourage you to signup for the newsletter that will allow me to communicate with you at a later date as the site evolves. I have a lot of big plans for it.

Brand new

Design, General / January 21st, 2009 / 3 Comments »

The redesign has been a long time waiting. I would work on it…put it off…work on it, then put it off some more. Distractions would arise, but then I would focus. So goes the world. Check out the new design!